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  • [Video Training] Faithing Outside The Lines Through Urban Ministry


    Have you ever had the desire to do urban ministry, but unsure how or where to start? Ministering and serving effectively in environments that are unfamiliar can be a challenge. However, it is possible. When Jesus gave the disciples the great commission to spread the gospel to all the nations it was his intent for each disciple to leave their comfort zone and cross barriers for the sake of the gospel. In these sessions, you will learn valuable information as well as practical skills and strategies that will help you and your church effectively minister in the urban community.

  • [Video Training] Coming Down From The Mountain Top Of A Camp Or A Mission Trip


    Cry Night at Camp. Is it a good thing? Is it a bad thing? How do we help students come down off the seemingly inevitable high that a summer camp or mission trip experience often elicits? How do we help them navigate through the emotions and streams upon streams of tears? How do we set those students up to take meaningful next steps in their faith? How do we set those students up to be discipled? And how do we ensure that they set their feet on solid ground and good soil? Join me in this masterclass as I lay out three tried-and-true ideas to successfully bring your students down off the mountain top of camp!

  • [Video Training] Shifting Your Ministry To A Culture Of Belonging & Ownership


    When students actively participate in the church, they find a sense of belonging and ownership. They become part of a community that supports and encourages them, fostering lifelong connections and friendships. By integrating students into the fabric of your church and community, you'll create an environment where they feel valued, heard, and empowered to make a difference.

  • [Video Training] Stress, Anxiety & Youth Ministry Leadership


    Youth ministry is hard. If we aren't careful, the stress and anxiety that comes with ministry can damage us, our marriage, our relationship with our children, our walk with the Lord, and our ministry. In this two-session Masterclass, Dr. Jody Dean will break down some practical ways to identify and navigate the stress and anxiety we all struggle with before it's too late.

  • [Video Training] Doing Great Ministry While Being A Great Spouse & Parent


    I once heard it said that when you get to the end of your time in ministry, you want the people who know you the best to love and respect you the most. How are you doing with that? If our spouse and our kids are our first and most important ministry, are we honoring the Lord with our time and our attention to them? In this one-session Masterclass, I want to give you ten tips to consider that can help you to do great ministry while being a great spouse and a great parent.

  • [Video Training] Building A Volunteer Team Structure


    So, you’ve got a volunteer team- that’s awesome! Have you ever considered structuring that team to provide clarity, fruitfulness, and fulfillment for those who serve with you? The idea of structure can feel intimidating or unnecessary, but a few key considerations could unlock the potential in the team of motivated volunteers you’ve already got. In this single-session Masterclass, we will look at what you can do to structure your volunteer team to ensure that they thrive in their key serving roles.

  • [Video Training] Youth Ministry Prepper 101: Calendering Discipleship


    Go and make disciples. Isn’t that what Jesus asks every youth ministry in the world to participate in? And every church, for that matter? If that’s the case, how are you orienting your ministry calendar to ensure maximum discipleship is taking place? And how are you measuring those things? In this Masterclass video, we’re going to unpack the three elements of Jesus’ Great Commission and give you six thoughts on ways to weave discipleship into your ministry calendar.

  • [Video Training] Creating A Culture Of Evangelism In Your Student Ministry


    If we don't reach them the next generation by the time they turn the tassel, the likelihood they will ever come to Jesus drastically drops. Now is the time to make sure your students both know Jesus and are equipped to make Jesus known. In this training, we will discuss the practical whys, hows, and whats of moving the evangelistic needle in your youth ministry.

  • [Video Training] Calling Out The Called: Discipling Those Called To Ministry Leadership


    Ministry comes with many weighty responsibilities. Ministry leaders are called to teach, serve, and lead. But in leading those under their care, there comes a moment when they recognize the future leaders under their leadership. With this recognition comes an all too familiar question: What comes next? Let’s talk about what it means to call out the called, and to disciple those who have been called to ministry leadership.

  • [Video Training] Planning & Programming a Fall Retreat


    As school returns, the summer heat begins to fade, and another ministry year starts to ramp up, two things are on the minds of a majority of youth pastors: 

    1) Oh no, is Halloween on a Wednesday this year? 
    2) I need to plan the Fall Retreat! Planning retreats are often daunting as they require attention to detail across many different areas simultaneously. 

    This masterclass series in planning and programming a fall retreat will walk through everything you need to get right with creativity and programming, the questions you need to ask and answer about logistics, and will help you eliminate the potential pitfalls so many make when planning. 

  • [Video Training] The Disciple's Journey


    Have you ever wondered if you are truly being effective at multiplying disciples? You know you are running programs but you just aren’t sure those programs are creating the disciple-making results you are intending to produce. The Disciple’s Journey training from Dave Rhodes will jumpstart a healthy conversation for you and your team around what effective disciple-making looks like and lead you to evaluate your ministry based on the time tested process of discipleship that we see Jesus use with followers.

  • [Video Training] What Discipleship In Youth Ministry Would Look Like With Jesus As Your Rabbi


    As youth workers and ministry leaders, we’re all trying to get better at making disciples. Maybe some of the answers to our questions about discipleship can be found by looking back at the Jewish roots of our faith—the very roots that produced our Master and Messiah, Jesus. But how can we say that we know about Jesus and His methods of making disciples if we haven't taken the time to gain a deeper understanding of the cultural way of life that surrounded Him? To know how Jesus did discipleship, we need a strong grasp of the ideas, practices, and beliefs surrounding the Jewish people of the first century. This live training event with author and youth worker Heather Quiroz will help you get to know Jesus from within His first-century setting and apply his disciple-making methods as you lead in youth ministry.

  • [Video Training] Leading and Serving The Anxious Teen


    Now more than ever, teens are struggling with stress, anxiety, and fear. The issues young people are facing are complex and wide-ranging. So how can parents and youth workers understand them better? What are the best ways to meet young people where they are and help them feel seen, loved, and known—by our youth ministries, by their parents, and ultimately by the God who cares for them so deeply? Coming off of his latest book, The Anxious Teen, Brock will provide in this seminar a context to help us understand today’s anxiety-ridden reality, he will teach skills and practices that will impact our youth ministries as well as help parents guide their children in moving forward in a lasting and healthy faith and life.

  • [Video Training] Meet Them in the Middle Years: The Difference Between Middle School and High School Ministry


    Middle school ministry is not the dressed up kids ministry or dumbed down high school ministry, and we need to intentionally pray, plan, program and present in ways that are effectively meeting the unique needs of these students. Especially after a national pandemic and cultural changes, now more than ever is the time to understand middle years ministry to the emerging Generation Alpha entering our student ministry.

  • [Video Training] Long-Haul Ministry: A Little Force over a Long Time makes for Faithful, Fruitful Ministry


    Middle school ministry is not the dressed up kids ministry or dumbed down high school ministry, and we need to intentionally pray, plan, program and present in ways that are effectively meeting the unique needs of these students. Especially after a national pandemic and cultural changes, now more than ever is the time to understand middle years ministry to the emerging Generation Alpha entering our student ministry.

  • [Video Training] Building Screen Smart Parents In Your Ministry


    Technology is one of the most frustrating and confusing issues parents in your church are trying to navigate regarding their teenagers. They spend countless days and nights feeling overwhelmed, under-equipped, and completely outmanned when it comes to knowing how to respond to screens. This MYM Live Online Training Event is not the typical “technology is evil, so let’s run from it and teach parents to do the same.“ Instead, technology and parenting expert Brian Housman is here to provide you, as a youth ministry leader, with some practical steps and prudent boundaries regarding technology so that you can educate and equip the parents in your church on leading and loving their students through setting healthy boundaries with screens without using shame or blame.

  • [Video Training] Mission Trips: Why Do Them, Planning For Them, How To Fundraise, & Best Practices While On Them


    Mission trips can be incredibly impactful and provide opportunities for significant spiritual growth for your students. That said, mission trips can also be overwhelming. In this one-session Masterclass, we will go on a trip together to discover the benefits of taking students on a mission trip, how to plan for a mission trip, tips for fundraising, and some best practices while on the trip.

  • [Video Training] Identifying & Activating Student Leaders


    As a youth ministry leader, we are called to make disciples. Part of that disciple-making process involves pouring ourselves into students, identifying and activating them to live out their faith by living and leading in a God-honoring way. So, how do we do that? In this one-session Masterclass video, we will discuss how to clarify what we want a student leadership team to accomplish, identify student leaders, invite them to lead, acquire parent buy-in, and activate our students to lead out in a life of service to Jesus through their unique giftings.

  • [Video Training] Avoiding the Winter Blues of Volunteerism this Brand New Year


    As a growing and thriving youth ministry leader, you know that the health of your ministry is directly connected to the health of your volunteers. But January is a natural time for your volunteers to start slumping slightly. How can you, as a ministry leader, encourage them to remain committed to the mission of Jesus? How can you, yourself, go from surviving the winter/spring semester to thriving? In this two-session Masterclass video, we will look at three key shifts leaders should take this January to remain hope-filled, give you three tips to help your volunteers stay motivated, offer three offbeat ideas to ensure that you remain healthy/motivated, learn three things that every volunteer needs from you, and discover how you can prepare yourself to be ready to ride the natural wave of momentum that is available to almost all of us in the summer and fall.

  • [Video Training] Parents! How to turn them from foe to friend.


    Have you ever had the thought or said out loud behind a closed door (after checking for listening devices, of course), “Youth ministry would be soooooo much easier if I could just get parents out of the way and actually do ministry with the students!” Don’t worry, you aren’t alone (and I won’t tell them you said that). Youth ministry leaders and parents often seem like baking soda and vinegar; mix the two, and you’re going to get a reaction. But this doesn’t have to be the case. In this single-session Masterclass, I will share eight thoughts that can help you turn the parents in your church from foes to friends (and maybe even your biggest cheerleaders).

  • [Video Training] Budget Planning


    Do you want to get on the good side of your finance committee? Are you tired of coming back from camp or D’Now Weekend celebrating incredible spiritual highs, only to be scared to face the incredible lows of having a meeting about all the money that you’ve spent? Are you ready to never go over budget again? In this two-session Masterclass, we dive deep into the essential aspects of mastering your youth ministry finances. In session one, we will explore the art of planning and navigating a solid operating budget, discover the power of operating out of your church’s purpose, and enable you to take complete control of your financial situation and get the most out of the budget you’ve been given. In session two, I will share the principles behind a solid budgeting technique and my sure-fire negotiating tactics that will save you money on those trips/camps. Oh, and I’m also giving you my “Ultimate Trip Calculator” (100% FREE) so you’ll never blow out your budget again

  • [Video Training] Reaching Your Local Schools


    What if I told you that there was a way you could make a significant Kingdom impact within your community and reach more students for Jesus? Interested? As a youth ministry leader, I hope that an opportunity like that is music to your ears. That’s why I created this two-session Masterclass to help you consider the incredible impact for the Lord you can have by reaching your local schools. In session one, we will explore how to have an impactful conversation with a school administrator and how to seek out opportunities to make a difference at a local school. In session two, we discuss how to follow up with opportunities when they arise at a school and ways to translate school ‘wins’ to ministry ‘wins.’


First, let me say I really enjoy using my YM360 curriculum with our students. The studies don't shy away from the tough subjects but are also super relatable for our students. The organization of the lessons and helpful tips is a huge asset to our teachers as well. They allow our teachers who don't have a seminary degree to feel comfortable teaching the Bible.


Thank you for the teachings you provide. Our youth have been growing deeper and deeper each week! Through doing these teachings, I have watched as our leaders, as well as the youth, have matured in Christ, and it has been great to watch! The youth come each week ready to learn which has been so encouraging to me as a leader.


Let me say that my leaders (and students) are really enjoying our YM360 Bible study series. Its really practical and my leaders are finding it easy to teach!
